DCS Guest speaker: Ben Nicholson of Lightborne


Ben Nicholson, Creative Director at Cincinnati-based Lightborne will be joining DCSAdobe User’s Group to share some insight into his creative process and show off some of the projects that were born from that creativity. Lightborne’s work is focused on motion graphics, but anyone can benefit from Ben’s advice and perspective on the creative process.

This meeting is the first in a three-part series of meetings on video and motion graphics. We are not planning to discuss technical design or animation techniques, but rather focus on broader creative topics. So whether you’re a print designer, web designer, or photographer, you should be able to gain something from attending this meeting.



  1. DCS/AUG announcements
  2. Ben will discuss his creative process as it relates to his company’s work with motion design
  3. We’ll watch various clips of Ben’s work accompanied by his notes/anecdotes
  4. Brief Q+A
  5. Door prize giveaway (2 books, chosen by winners)

About Ben

Since Joining Lightborne in 2000, Ben has overseen the development of a once one-man motion design department into a fully staffed global creative force. Ben has directed and animated both live-action and animated national Ad campaigns, music videos and tour visuals. At Lightborne, Ben is the dreamer and the technical limit pusher who is always looking for a new way to not only execute motion design but also to display it. This want comes from years of prior experience working on media for Disney rides, robotic projection screens, and just about every other surface where video should not be seen. Creative collaboration is the fuel for his fire and he loves helping clients execute, grow and implement their vision.

Ben’s credits include work for MTV, Death Cab for Cutie, Kenny Chesney, Puma, and many others.

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