The Intriguing Story of the Andover Skull

The information is sketchy but the basis of the story is that at sometime during the 1950’s a newly married couple, Mr F and Mrs B Morris, moved to Andover, Massachusetts USA.

They were disappointed to discover the house they had purchased had not been fully emptied and that the attic remained stacked with books, broken furniture and other such possessions. A year or so after moving in Mrs Morris finally decided to empty the attic and, in the process, found a heavy wooden box which had been nailed shut. That evening her husband opened the box and together they discovered a large and disturbing skull.

It had unusually big eye sockets and several pieces of the bone cranium were broken.  There were strange carvings on the front left of the skull but the most interesting part of the discovery were its canine teeth which were strangely elongated. Overall the skull was larger than an average human’s and had a distinctive domed forehead. Mr Morris glued the skull fragments together and apparently kept it in his study where he would show it to curious friends and visitors. After some months Mrs Morris became distressed by its presence and insisted that it be reburied as she had convinced herself that it was demonic or at least the skull of a powerful Indian medicine man. Instead, Mr Morris allegedly took the skull to a nearby Museum of Archaeology which specialised in Native American history.

Via: TheOddmentEmporium

12 thoughts on “The Intriguing Story of the Andover Skull

  1. Pingback: GRINNING SKULL VISITOR POLL! « The Grinning Skull

  2. Pingback: 13Th Skull – New Gothic Skull Painting in Street Art Style « Laura Barbosa's Heart of Art Blog

  3. Where can the skull be viewed currently ? What DNA were found,carbon dating ? I would seriously want only one opinion ,that of a spiritual medium (Reputable) .After holding that skull -Forehead, at the back of their skull.Domed forehead pressed firmly between the rear base of their skull and top neck vertebra.Share with us what were they were shown.

    • I’m always suspicious of these weird or way out claims of skulls in nailed up boxes found under mysterious circumstances, in attics of old houses. I make weird things because I have always had the art/sculpture ability to do this and as I posted before if I put my mind to it I could replicate something similar and add a similar story as long as it it didn’t involve scrutiny of DNA analysis etc ?

  4. It a race or species of some extraterresyrial/alien race from a distant star or galaxy or maybe planet. We, our government knew had documented 160 different races of aliens up to 1999.

  5. I’m sure if I put my mind to it I could replicate a similar piece of sculpture with as many mysterious strange looking features as are pictured here. It seems strange that a story of this going to a local museum has not surfaced with DNA evidence of age and ethnicity ?

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